Deliver a seamless web experience to one and all
More than one-fifth of adults in the United States have a disability and over 2,500 lawsuits have been filed in federal court alleging that websites were not designed to be accessible to people with disabilities (2022) making it evident the importance of ADA-compliant website design.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to accommodate people with disabilities making accessibility of the business website to be of paramount importance. To create an ADA-compliant website design, web designers and content managers should align their coding to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Website Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG 2.0 .
Furthermore, by enhancing accessibility, ADA-compliant website design also boosts engagement, enabling businesses to target more customers.
Although an ADA-friendly website doesn't look significantly distinctive from one that is not, it impacts how readily every user can access it.
Are you sure that your Website has ADA compliant website design and fulfills ADA website requirements?
ADA Shield® will serve as a program to get your online presence into shape and make it fully ADA compliant. To ensure compliance, you could have your Website audited by ADA Shield powdered by INNsight.